Sunday, October 30, 2011

Waking up in science

In Astronomy and Cosmology studies, they should not only teach us the theories of scientists like Einstein, Bhor, Planck, Heisenberg, Friedmann and the one million other scientists from every culture in the world, but also about the people they were. What was their life philosophy? What was their relationship with nature? How did they live their life? How did they think in that spectacular manner? What was their perception of consciousness? What was their understanding of religion?

This holds true for every discipline. Then perhaps we'd be able to see one more very "real" side of the picture that is our universe.

They say the answer to what's going on in the universe lies at the sub-atomic level. I've only begun to scratch the surface to understand what this really means.

Religion and spirituality have a lot to offer science. And vice-versa. Science is a modern language. But we shouldn't forget the stories told by the older language of religion.

But I'm perplexed. If religion (and here I speak of the vedas) had it right with the concept of a supreme creator existing in universal consciousness, then why did the world become the place it is today. It doesn't add up.

Why did science branch out from religion in the first place, when I'm certain that they're fighting towards the same goal: A means to explain the enigma that is life and the enigma that is the creation of our universe. The proverbial why.

Religion has failed and is failing more every day. Ever since it got trapped in the material world. But if religion disappears, who will teach us compassion, truth, love, generosity, tolerance, all teachings of religion---across religions. Will it be our society which functions via a government of politicians who operate in an economic system? Are there enough of us to not get lost.

I urge all scientists out there who have figured out something more, who exist in two worlds, to stand up and talk about it without fear. Science and spirituality are perceived as two unconnected things. But they're not. They're more connected than anyone is willing to acknowledge. They are parallel concepts operating at two distinct levels.

Can spirituality even be removed from our world? If it is the force it is, then it seems improbable. Am I worried for nothing? Will everything figure itself out?

I feel quite lost today. We've (and when I say we I mean I) invested so heavily in the material world, we've totally ignored, blocked out, and escaped from other non-material matters. And yet, I feel sad when I see my world around me. Where your धर्मं, कर्म, योग (karma, dharma, and yoga) don't mean anything. And another conflict, if we're all meant to contribute through karma, dharma, and yoga, then what are we contributing towards?

Those are my questions for today. And my learnings: everyone should be a teacher; everyone should be a student; everyone should question; everyone should share.

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