Monday, October 18, 2004


a great many changes have been taking place. in my head, in my body, in my life. everything seems revealed, seems open. i had a great point to make when i was on the bus(t) last night, but i can't seem to recall what it was. it did concern love though. i realise that i forge fairly strong bonds with people. little people. smart people. people with long beautiful hair. hairy people.

these little smart long hairy people have touched me, not like i touched condi's apples. that might sound a little perverse. but let me explain. when i was in thanadar village, we went apple picking (one verdant tree), and if an apple fell on the ground, or fell too hard in the basket with more apples, one could say that the apple was touched. which is to say contaminated. needs to be thrown out. so, not that kind of touched.

now that we have the various variations of 'touched' in place, i shall proceed with this story. it's always the unexplainable. am i the moon. am i truly the moon?

i get surprisingly upset when one is upsetted with me. i think it has to do with the outbreak of the moon. so here are the significant changes

1. veena didn't speak to me for 2 hours and i cried
2. cori and i have drifted apart a bit and she cried
3. condi is a new addition, from shimla
4. nash and diti are almost an item
5. i miss anchit a great deal

so rucha and i had this whole conversation on depth, people who are depthy and people who lack depth. i really don't know who or what can decide that. i'm always talking about people aren't i?

i'm so full of cock_shit, it's amazing.
(click on the title for snaps)

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