
My hande is wakker
My oë wil slaap
My kop is in Stilbaai
My hart in die Kaap

My hands are awake
My eyes want to sleep
My head is in Stilbaai
My heart in the Cape

Ek staan op die grens
Van die dag en die nag
En my kop weet nie meer wat
Om te doen met my hart

I stood on the border
Of the day and night
And my mind knows not what
To do with my heart

Ek voel soos n skip
Wat lê langs die kus
My toekoms wil reis
My verlede wil rus
My woorde wil stil wees
My stilte wil praat
My hart wil jou vashou
My kop wil jou laat

I feel like a ship
Which lies along the coast
My future would travel
My past wants to rest 
My words would be quiet
My silence would speak
My heart wants to hold
My head wants to leave you

Die storm en die stilte
Die son en die maan
Daars altyd twee kante
Wat in ons bestaan

The storm and the silence
The sun and the moon
There's always two sides
To our existence

Die verlange wil waai
Die angs wil hier bly
En al sluit ek my oë
Dit gaan nie verby nie

My longing wants to blow away
My fear wants to stay here
And if I close my eyes
It's not over

Ek voel soos n skip
Wat lê langs die kus
My toekoms wil reis
My verlede wil rus
My woorde wil stil wees
My stilte wil praat
My hart wil jou vashou
My kop wil jou laat

I feel like a ship
Which lies along the coast
My future would travel
My past wants to rest 
My words would be quiet
My silence would speak
My heart wants to hold
My head wants to leave

~Stef Bos


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